Liberty Impulse Social Group Gold Coast
is a social group for gay, bisexual, lesbian and
transgender & intersexes who are comfortable identifying
with traditional concepts of socials, who enjoy stream
activities and who seek an alternative to the ways gblti
people usually socialise.
We believe that it is important to question the
stereotypes that gay culture often relies upon to define
itself, and that a truly diverse community provides its
members more, not fewer, choices and points of view.
We do this by fostering a fraternity-like atmosphere,
where comradeship and friendships can develop in a platonic environment.
We are a social
for gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender & intersexes
Recreation Activities
of a social activity, yes we do that as well, ask us
what we have going at the moment.
We do not list all our activities on this website our
social have different leisure interests every fortnight
and month.
About Us

Pls note; as of May 2009 restructuring
taken place, memberships have changed cheaper please
check with our officials team regarding free memberships
and paid memberships. We launched ecard (-coordinator)
Information Files
These are Provided
with membership card to Members After Joining
at socials
Too Register For Gold and Silver Membership information
available at meetings.
Life Memberships these are still honored
by new committee, we have you on file. |